Novena to St. Michael the Archangel, Day 7

On this seventh day of the Novena, we petition the Lord for obedience.

Not a popular word by any means.

Obedience is the humble submission to a legitimate authority. It does not mean slavery or a mindless following of a greater and stronger power. It means an acknowledgement of an authority (be it Church or State) that wields its power hopefully fairly and justly. Those under that authority willingly adhere to its leadership.

Under such conditions, dissent is not a virtue.

Jesus established His Church to safeguard His Teachings and those of His Apostles and their direct successors. To leave the safety of that protection is to invite pride and sin. We threaten our own salvation. Obedience is a small “price” to pay.

Now, to the Novena:

Begin the prayer with: O God, come to my assistance. O Lord, make haste to help me. Glory be to the Father…, etc.

By the intercession of St. Michael and the celestial Choir of Principalities may God fill our souls with a true spirit of obedience. Amen.

[Say one Our Father and three Hail Marys after your intentions for obedience.]

To say the entire Chaplet, click here:
Chaplet of St. Michael

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