Where have they taken my Lord?

I’m off to morning Mass in a half hour or so, and then I will stay afterwards in our parish’s Adoration Chapel and adore Jesus, truly Present in the host exposed in the monstrance. He had been reposed since last Wednesday evening, so I have been unable to visit and see Him.

I feel a touch of separation anxiety; although I went to the Good Friday services and received Him in Communion, as well as on Easter Sunday, just spending time with His presence for as long as you want has a special feeling. I can go essentially whenever I want and stay as long as I need.

But I have been unable to do that. I was a bit annoyed that He was reposed until today; I figured He’d be exposed once again come Easter Sunday afternoon, but alas He wasn’t. I kind of got the feeling the Eleven Apostles and the women felt over the course of the days since His death until His Resurrection.

“Where is He? Where have you taken my Lord? Tell me, and I will go get Him,” said Mary Magdalene upon seeing the open tomb and no body there.

You really know how much you miss and need something when you can’t get it.

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