A review of two books on the Sacred Heart: “Healing Promises: the Essential Guide to the Sacred Heart” and “A Little Book of Reparation: First Friday Devotion of the Sacred Heart of Jesus;” both by Anne Costa

For this Sacred Heart Friday I am reviewing two great books on the Sacred Heart Devotion. Both of them are by Anne Costa, of Revive Hope and Healing Ministries. 

I wish Anne had written these years ago. Waybackwhen I’d always wanted to have a greater insight into the Sacred Heart Devotion, but for some reason just couldn’t get it. I don’t know why; I was never taught much about it “growing up Catholic” except that it’s important to go to Mass for nine consecutive first Fridays of the month and there were also those twelve promises. But what’s that all to do with Jesus’ Heart? I always felt I was missing out on some key piece to a puzzle. That, in itself, may not be too surprising: try and show me any alcoholic or addict that didn’t think they missed something keenly important that they’re supposed to know! These two books by Costa fill in the details; together they comprise an invaluable handbook to the Sacred Heart! Read these and you’ll ‘get it;’ not only that, you’ll be wanting more!

First up is “Healing Promises: the Essential Guide to the Sacred Heart”

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If you know nothing about the Sacred Heart Devotion, or just the basics, like it involves a statue of Jesus pointing to His Heart, or going to Mass for a bunch of Fridays, and that it inspired generations of Catholic parents until the 1950s to name their daughters “Margaret Mary,” then this book is for you! In a very accessible style Anne introduces you to everything you need to know to make it a part of your devotional and sacramental life.

Part One has a basic history of where and when the devotion started and a biography on St. Margaret Mary.

Part Two gets into the nitty gritty of various aspects of the devotion, such as consecration and reparation, the centrality of the Blessed Sacrament, its Solemnities and Feast Days – including saints associated with the devotion, and Enthronement of the Sacred Heart in your home (and this is a major theme of the book.) Part Two finishes up with chapters connecting the Blessed Mother to the Sacred Heart and (and this is what I particularly enjoyed) putting the Sacred Heart Devotion in context with the Divine Mercy Devotion. I personally have long held that the Divine Mercy devotion according to St. Faustina Kowalska was like a 20th Century update or ‘reboot’ of the centuries older Sacred Heart. Costa’s chapter connects the two. In my devotional life, the two will from now on become intertwined!

Part Three goes into the Twelve Promises of the Sacred Heart. There are actually many more promises that Jesus told to St. Margaret Mary for those who work out the Devotion, and they are detailed in the classic book by Fr. Croiset. The Twelve that are popularly listed in virtually any book on the Sacred Heart are a summary of most of the promises. Anne has one chapter for each promise!

Each chapter in Part 3 also has testimonials or inspiring stories which illustrate how that Promise was fulfilled in the life or family of someone. I love testimonials. Just reading about how someone’s life was changed for the better by something greatly moves me.

Throughout the book are little ‘Heart Notes,’ brief asides ‘to encourage further reflection and practical ways to bring the Sacred Heart devotion to your life.’ 

After Part Three are appendices which serve as wonderful references and collections of prayers, including ceremonies for Enthronement along with additional resources on the Sacred Heart.

Next up is a nice little book that can easily serve as a companion to Healing Promises: A Little Book of Reparation: First Friday Devotion of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. It focuses on one of the more critical parts of the Sacred Heart Devotion, the Nine First Fridays. The Kindle edition is also free at the link above!


The book tells you everything you need to know about the First Friday Devotion: where it came from, its purpose, the dispositions needed, and much on acts of reparation one can do.  It includes suggested approaches for reparation, along with excerpts from the Catechism of the Catholic Church and a selection of prayers. 

It is a wonderful companion to take with you to Mass on the First Friday of every month!

Costa has written other books, including the excellent “Praying for Those with Addictions”

“Anne Costa is a devoted wife, proud mother, inspired writer and impassioned speaker on all things related to faithful living, authentic womanhood and healing the soul. Her books are written to encourage, affirm and inspire Christians and Catholics with practical messages of hope-“ from her Amazon Author Page.

I have a new book! "The Sober Catholic Way" is a handbook on how anyone can live a sober life, drawn from over 17 years of SoberCatholic posts! It's out now on "Amazon," "Apple Books," "B&N" and and others!"!

My two other books are still available! "The Stations of the Cross for Alcoholics" and "The Recovery Rosary: Reflections for Alcoholics and Addicts" (Thank you!!)