More on the “Sacred Heart Prayer Book” by “Brother James”

This Sacred Heart Friday post is an update about something from earlier this year.

In “Mother Angelica and the Sacred Heart” I mentioned her using the ‘Sacred Heart Prayer Book.’

Something about the book intrigued me and I made some inquiries. I contacted SS Peter and Paul Parish parish in San Francisco where Brother James was when the book was published and asked if they knew anything about him or the book. The only thing they were able to tell me was that Br. James had left the Salesians quite some time ago. My contact (and I can’t tell from the name they are male or female, the first name sounds like a surname) has been with the parish since 2000 and had thought Brother James left around 1990. The person also told me that they get an inquiry about the book every 3-5 years! The contact suggested I try the Salesians provincial office for that region. And so I did! I got a reply within a few hours! Salesians are really on the ball in responding to inquiries right away! I’m impressed!  

Brother James’ real name is James Marolus, and I was told that he left the Salesians ‘a number of years ago.’ The Sacred Heart Prayer Book was self-published; which explains why the publisher’s name no longer comes up anywhere: if it had been a regular publisher there would have been a bigger ‘paper trail’ on the Internet. Anyway, after leaving the Salesians, Br. Marolus ‘found a benevolent Bishop’ who ordained him a priest. Father Marolis ended up in Florida, where he exercised his priestly ministry for a number of years. The Salesians person who wrote to me admitted not knowing much beyond that, except that Fr. Marolis became sick and died.

I ran his name through Google search, DuckDuckGo, and StartPage. Much of what I learned confirmed everything I was told. He is not listed on any obituary site that I ran his name through. If he is still alive, 

then he’d be 94 or 95. (This does not mean that the Salesian was incorrect about him being dead. He did admit to not knowing much and perhaps they assumed he’s dead?) And these ‘name lookup’ sites are notoriously incorrect: some of them list my sister as being alive despite her dying in 1988.

I have made further inquiries through people I know with contacts with the Salesians, but so far nothing’s turned up. If anything changes, I’ll update this post.

The book is no longer in print, and its availability online varies.  (You will have to do a search for “Sacred Heart Prayer Book Brother James” or variations on that to distinguish it from the thousands of books with similar titles.) 

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