Contemplate the loving gentleness of the humanity of the Lord

This excerpt from the Second Reading of the Office of Readings of the Liturgy of the Hours for today is “From the Mirror of Love by Saint Aelred, abbot.” It is quite suitable for Sacred Heart Friday and as a daily Lenten meditation!

…If someone wishes to love himself he must not allow himself to be corrupted by indulging his sinful nature. If he wishes to resist the promptings of his sinful nature he must enlarge the whole horizon of his love to contemplate the loving gentleness of the humanity of the Lord. Further, if he wishes to savor the joy of brotherly love with greater perfection and delight, he must extend even to his enemies the embrace of true love.

But if he wishes to prevent this fire of divine love from growing cold because of injuries received, let him keep the eyes of his soul always fixed on the serene patience of his beloved Lord and Savior.

The first line of the excerpted passage is the essence of conversion during Lent (or anytime) combined with the Sacred Heart. The gentle humanity of the Lord is His profound and deep love for us, as expressed through His Sacred Heart. You just go beyond yourself and your self will and try to love as He loves. Be merciful to yourself and your weaknesses and consign them to the mercy of God; and love others as He does. Furthermore, you must love your enemies (quite a Gospel truth!) and in keeping with the Devotion to the Sacred Heart, make reparations for those who have sinned against you and the Lord.

The last line should be studied and carried with us in our hearts: ‘keep the eyes of your soul always fixed on the serene patience of your beloved Lord and Savior.’

Are you a creative Catholic? "The Catholicpunk Manifesto" is my new book exhorting Catholics to apply their faith to change the culture for the better!

Know someone, perhaps yourself, who might like Catholic devotionals for alcoholics? Please take a look at my books! "The Stations of the Cross for Alcoholics" and "The Recovery Rosary: Reflections for Alcoholics and Addicts" (Thank you!!)